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1、Take precision point, detail-specific screenshots

2、Instantly upload images to your own Imajao gallery. Show off what youve got!

3、Imajaos social network platform allows for commenting, liking, and tagging

4、Connect your Imajao ac with Facebооk, Tw1tter, and Gооgle+

5、Send a link to share your images with literally anyone – even non-registered users

6、Follow friends galleries and receive instant s on all social network activity

7、Search through, collect, and be inspired by thousands of creative images!


Share your vision with the world. Point, click, and away it goes. Imajao offers you a way to take what you see and show it off – exactly and instantly!

Inspired by a detail on a photo youve just taken? Kicking butt on a video game? Now you can pin point exactly what you want on your screen and share it with everyone else. Its more than a screenshot. With Imajao, you target your image and snap it up with perfect precision. What you see on your screen is exactly what others see.


