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作品分类:工具类  在线  支持  图标  在线  绘图  制作  平台  Draw




draw.io is an online diagramming application built using the ,mxGraph javaScript library。draw.io is an online diagramming application built for speed, reliability and simplicity. It features the full range of visual configuration you expect, as well as web application features such as a full range of export options, a large collection of icons, real-time collaboration and embedded widget sharing.

draw.io optionally integrates fully with Gооgle Drive to use your existing Gооgle account cloud storage. There’s also a plugin for confluence®, with source code. There’s a GWT wrapper with a recreation of draw.io entirely in GWT. draw.io is integrated with Gооgle Apps for Business.

draw.io is free to license any number of users in any environment and benefits from a community support portal. For organizations requiring enterprise grade support, JGraph Ltd has 9 years experience supporting some of the world’s largest technical companies and offers a range of specific Service Level Agreement annual maintenance options.

