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作品分类:工具类  表格  在线  样式  在线  制作工具  表格  生成  TablesGenerator

TablesGenerator:在线表格生成制作工具是一个在线制作 LaTeX、HTML、Markdown 格式的表格代码工具,支持在表格中填充数据,修改字体/背景颜色,对齐方式等等,还支持从 Excel、Gооgle Docs 里直接复制粘贴数据,以及多个 HTML 表格样式。


Tables Generator 支持四种格式:LaTeX、HTML、Markdown、TEXT,先在 Table > Set size 中设置表格大小,然后填充数据,设置格式,就能在页面下面找到代码了。


Entering tables in LaTeX documents can be burdensome because of the necessary formatting directives. For this purpose we created this online generator which (hopefully) will allow you to generate LaTeX code you can just copy & paste into your document’s source. Our editor is close to WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Got) principle, i.e. the table displayed in the editor should resemble the final table.

