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作品分类:经典网站  社会化  收藏  用户可以  返利  社会化  购物  WaneLo

WaneLo:社会化购物返利网是一个跟Pinterest 有许多相似之处,采用了瀑布图片流的展示形式,用户可以收藏分享自己喜欢的物品,该网站可以让用户直接通过链接购买其上的商品。



Wanelo最值得自傲的就是超高的用户活跃度,其创始人Deena去年六月公布的一组数据显示,自2010年上线以来,共有 24000家商铺发布了130万件商品,平均每天有10000件商品被收藏。平均每位用户在网站上会呆16分钟。Wanelo在 Facebооk上的粉丝也有10多万人,移动应用在免费应用榜上排第30名,在Lifestyle这一分类中一直都是第一第二。

Wanelo (“wah-nee-lo,” from Want, Need, Love) is a catalog of products organized by people.You can buy almost everything you see on Wanelo, and everything is posted by members.

Wanelo is built by Deena, Konstantin, Sean, Kaan, Atasay, Kristina, Paul, Eric, Server, Cihan and Daniela in the mystical city of San Francisco, California, on the western coast of the North American continent on the beautiful planet Earth. We are definitely hiring

