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SavvyAuntie.com is the first and only community for Aunts: Aunties by Relation (ABR), Aunties by Choice (ABC), Great-Aunts, Godmothers, and all women who love kids. SavvyAuntie.com enables and empowers Aunts to exchange ideas, get advice, find gifts and connect with other Savvy Aunties. The first to offer Forums, Groups, Blogs, an Auntiepedia and other social tools designed uniquely for Aunties, SavvyAuntie.com gives Aunts a unique and modern approach to learn, connect, share and celebrate Aunt-hood.

OK, that’s the ‘official’ communication. Unofficially, this site is meant for all you ladies who are totally mad for your nieces or nephews, friends’ kids, whatever….and you just want a place online where you can talk about them (and yes totally show them off!) and feel safe to ask questions about kids, their health, nutrition, even what they’re into these days – without having to go to a mom and feeling unsavvy!

It’s simple. Moms and dads have their own sites. There’s like a galaxy of them. And sure, they’re packed with great information, but we just don’t feel at home there. It feels like we’re trespassing or something. SavvyAuntie.com is for us. Sure, Aunties who are also Moms are more than welcome. This club is inclusive of all women who love kids and want the very best for them.

