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作品分类:经典网站  网站  是一个  互联  互联网新闻  聚合  资源  平台  Popurls

Popurls:互联网新闻资源聚合平台是一个提供世界最新新闻的聚合网站,通过对接Digg, Reddit, clipmarks, del.icio.us, fark等;多媒体则来自Flickr, Yоutube, Odeo等;通过汇集众多的新闻源网站内容,让你不比访问那么多的网站即可获取一手资源。



popurls is the dashboard for the latest web-buzz, a single page that encapsulates up-to-the-minute headlines from the most popular sites on the internet.

with the intention to get a quick glance on what’s happening on the web while keeping the common newsreader clean from short-term headlines, popurls was launched in march 2006 by thomas marban who is often mentioned for creating the original trend of “single page aggregators”. rather than a tool, popurls is considered as a gate to a highly selective collection of the most popular sites, presented in a usable way for every device & service. after features on thousands of blogs and newspapers like the NY times, yahoo! named it best of the web to finally enter the 30 most popular sites of all time on del.icio.us.

