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Creative Uncut welcomes you to add us to your list of time-wasting websites for inspiration. Picasso once said, every child is an artist, the problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up. Nine out of ten primary school children will tell you they are creative; they love to draw and paint. By the final year of secondary school that figure is sadly reversed. We forget how to imagine.

Imagination must be fed. An artist with a starved imagination is a palette with no paints. New ideas come from old ideas—the more you fill your palette with existing ideas, the more you can mix and create new ones. CU supports a culture in which people can borrow from the ideas of others. Not to plagiarize from one as a thief, but to borrow and mix from many as an artist. Video games offer an inspirational source for those creative ideas, from the concept board to the final product. We explore the conceptual side. Watermark-free and registration-free.

Artwork updates are made several times a week and can be followed via RSS, Gооgle+, Facebооk, or Tw1tter. Or there’s the old-fashioned way, right here via the home page.

