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扑克是有着悠久历史的有趣而复杂的游戏。它起源于19世纪初新奥尔良中部和密西西比河流域的一种名叫Poque的游戏。Poque只有20张牌,当旧规则为人们所熟悉时又演变出新的形式。Five-card draw、Five-card stud、Seven-card stud、Lowball、Hi-low以及后来的德州扑克和奥马哈,就是扑克发展系谱中这些形式的其中一部分。随着时间流转,这种游戏逐渐流行起来。

Two Plus Two Publishing LLC began in 1987 when Mason Malmuth self published his first book Winning Concepts in Draw and Lowball. These were quickly followed by Blackjack Essays and the original version ofGambling Theory and Other Topics.

In 1988, Mason and David Sklansky did their first collaboration and the original version of Hold ’em Poker for Advanced Players appeared. This was followed by Seven-Card Stud for Advanced Players (written with world class player Ray Zee) approximately a year later. Both of these books were self-published with demand surpassing all expectations.

Also, during the 1980s, all of David’s books had gone out of print. But by the end of the decade, David had retrieved the rights to them. These included Winning Poker (now known as The Theory of Poker) and the original Hold ’em Poker. At the end of 1989, David and Mason decided to unite all of their books under one “umbrella,” and a new company which for lack of a better name briefly became known as Malmuth Publishing.

A few months later, the 1990 edition of Gambling Theory and Other Topics was released. Since this book contained lots of mathematical equations, Mason felt it was important to have an equation on the cover. So starting with the original 1987 edition, the equation, 2 + 2 = 4, done with card pictures had appeared. But in 1990, the cover was redrawn by a professional artist. Upon seeing it, both David and Mason agreed that they had also found a much better name, and “Two Plus Two Publishing” was now officially in existence. (The LLC was added many years later.)

Today, Two Plus Two offers 35 different titles, all on poker/gambling, by 16 different authors including former World Series of Poker Champion Dan Harrington, Bill Robertie, Dr. John Feeney, Dr. Alan Schoonmaker, Nick Grudzien, Collin Moshman, and Donna Harris in addition to David, Mason, and Ray Zee. Many of these are recognized as the definitive works in their specific area or simply as instrumental in pushing the frontier of knowledge forward in their specific field. But a few beginner and intermediate books are also part of the mix. Total sales are now at 1,700,000 books and 250,000 of our Fundamentals booklets.

