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作品分类:经典网站  身临其境  探索  建筑物  社交  地球  平台  YoubeQ

YoubeQ:基于谷歌地球的3D社交平台是一个依托于Gооgle Earth(通过Gооgle Earth插件运行在浏览器里)而存在的社交网络。3D地图可以以扭转的视角查看街景、建筑物的立体外形,用户身临其境的感触感染,体验非华丽、无以形容。



YoubeQ可直接显示出Gооgle Earth里的3D树木和建筑,让你感觉身临其境。每个人进入到YoubeQ里都化身成一个骑着Segway的小人儿,你可以选择自己想要去哪里,与遇到的路人甲聊天,探索世界来获得勋章,更多玩法还在开发中。

youbeQ is full of places. A place is something that people share. It can be a story, a picture, information, advertisements, facts, videos and everything else you want to. Your imagination is the limit. Start sharing places you like with the world, and find the most interesting ones!

