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MindMixer 已经将自己的业务范围扩展到各种性质的组织机构,他们的客户包括俄亥俄州立大学、Coursera 网络课程项目等,他们近年计划在市政发展和教育领域扩大业务覆盖,与此同时已经有少许企业表达了建设意见收集网站的兴趣。MindMixer 的定义也不应该是单纯的建议收集工具,它应该被视作普通人参与并影响大型项目发展方向的渠道。

Good ideas are out there, but so many of those ideas don’t make it to the surface or are drowned out by the volume of usual voices. It has been impossible to hear from everyone in your community. That’s where MindMixer comes in. Our platform allows you to gather ideas, review and respond to feedback, and find real solutions all in one place. Impossible to hear from everyone? Not anymore.

