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Audiodraft的产品分成三部分——Agency Studio、Audiodraft Open Studio和Music Library。

Agency Studio是为广告公司或品牌创立的平台,在这里,如果你要做一个广告需要找到合适的旋律,可以在此发布需求,让在Audiodraft上的音乐人来众包完成,然后挑选你认为合适的,双方达成合作。对广告商来说,他们可以在合适的候选人中挑选一些旋律或定制旋律,“目前看到的有电视节目、游戏和移动应用。

Audiodraft Open Studio是专为个人设计的“音乐工作室”,你可以在上面发布为品牌创作的音乐供挑选,等待合作机会。Audiodraft最著名的是和诺基亚手机的合作,邀请用户来创作X,就是鼓励用户在Audiodraft上发布自己创立的手机X。

Music Library就是当音乐人想向品牌和个人售卖自己的音乐作品时,可以在Music Library公开售卖自己的产品,用户会付款来购买。有意思的是,如果你喜欢某个音乐人的专辑可以买断一段时间的授权,当你买下后这张专辑会在Audiodraft上自动消失,直到用户买下的版权到期它才会重新回到Music Library。

Audiodraft was founded in May 2010 by a group of passionate digital media professionals with a background in making music. The service was launched in July 2010.

In it’s early days Audiodraft was one of the winners in Finnish business plan competition Venture Cup, took part in Aalto Venture Garage’s BootCamp program, and was funded by the TULI program in Finland.

Audiodraft has been featured in international technology and business publications such as Wired, The Next Web, Venture Beat, and Reuters. Currently the company is funded by a group of experienced angel investors and an investment company from Finland.

