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作品分类:经典网站  在线  广告  创意  云端  媒体广告  平台  Flite

Flite:基于云端媒体广告平台是美国的一家知名的互联网媒体广告投放服务平台,并且推出HTML 5广告在线制作工具,它可让广告主和创意机构实现广告创作、投放、内容实时更新和效果监测。


Flite 这款免费工具是在线的,在浏览器中就能完成编辑操作,完成的广告支持在各移动设备上显示。这个工具还有一个特点,就是它能让创意人员作出内容时效性更强且交互性更强的广告,比如它可拖拽社交媒体的消息流到广告上。

Efficient, scalable, and multi-screen, Flite is the only SaaS ad platform powering both mobile and display advertising. As the leader in Paid Media Publishing, Flite allows advertisers to scale content marketing and web app functiоnality into their digital advertising. Marketers use the self-service Flite Platform to reduce the complexity and cost of delivering differentiated ad products that engage audiences.

