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LomoGraphy:光学胶卷相机交流社区是一个积极主张和推广创意实验的新概念摄影社区,为广大Lomo爱好者提供了一个绝佳的交流平台。社区用户不仅可以在此分享图片及新技术,还可以舆Elijah Wood, Neil Gaiman及 The White Stripes等Lomographic相机名人对话。


Lomography国际社区 (The Lomographic Society International) 为玩家提供了实体门店(Lomography Gallery Store)以及一个致力与Lomography一同成长的团队。活跃在世界各个角落的Lomo爱好者们,通过小区组织的在线线下活动实现互动和交流。实体门店不仅为Lomo爱好者们提供了相聚场所,更唤起了大众对Lomo的热情。


The Lomography Smartphone Film Scanner offers you the perfect way to scan and share your 35mm films. In an instant, you’ll end up with a digital version of your film which can be emailed, printed and shared with friends. Head to our Kickstarter page to find out more about the scanner and view our sample scans.

