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NirmalTV:Windwos系统应用分享博客是一个独立的技术博客网站,提供最新的Window 7、Window 8、office、电脑软件、手机系统、浏览器插件功能推荐等。


NirmalTV成立于2005年,已发表5300多篇文章,涉及到各个技术领域。支持通过RSS Feed订阅网站上的最新技术文章,如果你是个极客迷,通过该博客你可以获取国外最新的电脑技术。

NirmalTV is a daily updated weblog where you can find articles on latest technologies, Windows 7, Windows 8, Microsoft Office, Internet, Blogging tips, freewares for Windows, social networking tips and web apps, mobile phones tips, free apps and reviews (iOS, Android and Windows Phone), Firefox, Gооgle Chrome and much more. The blog started its journey back in October 2005 on blogger platform until it moved to own domain in March 2007.

The blog has over 5300 articles published in various categories (as of April 2012). Today, NirmalTV.COM is a fast growing technology blog which covers all the latest happenings in the tech world. The blog has been featured on many top tech blog across the world like Lifehacker, Download Squad, Gizmodo, Engadget, ZDNet etc.

