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作品分类:经典网站  拍摄  植物图片  是一个  新加坡  植物  数据库  NatureLoveYou




Having an idea is great. But if you do nothing about it immediately, it remains just an idea whereby you will soon forget about it. I got an idea though it may not seem a great one, but one that at least interest me. This is how this personal website gets started. I do not know where it will eventually lead me to. So, let nature takes its course.

This website went live on 5th July 2007. The original idea was to set up a pictorial database on plant pictures gathered by me, with their names, arrange in some kind of orders. As it happens that I live in Singapore, most plant pictures are therefore taken in this country. I do add pictures taken from Malaysia and Indonesia where I visited for holidays. This website started with 249 plants and 985 images from my archive. It reaches the 500-plant mark (with 2227 pictures) on 21st April 2008 and crossed the 1000-plant milestone on 31st December 2009. It took me another 2.5 years to reach the 1500-plant mark on 14th July 2012. As of this update, the website houses 10,468 pictures of 1582 plants in the main plant picture database alone.

