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作品分类:经典网站  感应器  门窗  基站  安防  家庭  系统  ScoutAlarm

ScoutAlarm:无线家庭安防系统是一套安全识别多样、便携安装、费用便宜的无线家庭安防系统,这套系统不需要安装任何线路,可通过家庭无线路由器与用户的智能手机、平板电脑、PC 等设备连接提供安全告警服务。系统由基站、开关门窗感应器及动作感应器组成。


其中基站是系统的中心,用户可通过智能手机或电脑对安防系统进行配置。基站直接与家庭无线路由器相连,通过 Wi-Fi 工作。同时也配置有 3G 通信芯片,每月 10 美元的激活费即可在 Wi-Fi 无法工作时享受监控服务,此外基站还配置了后备电池以备停电之需。开关门窗感应器会在门窗被打破时感应到。用户需要在需要保护的门窗上安装相应的开关门窗感应器。

有时候贼不一定打开门窗也能进入房子,那样的话开关门窗感应器就无法起作用了。这时候动作感应器就可以派上用场。动作感应器可以感知暴力的敲击动作,但是一般宠物低于 40 磅的敲击是不会引起误报的。动作感应器可安置在墙角、壁橱上。

Scout is what happens when a hardware hacker, a designer, and a developer are put on a crash course with the current home security industry. In the summer of 2012, our office was filled with capacitive touch experiments, advanced sensors, and motion-tracking displays (plus we were looking an excuse to buy a drone; we’re nerds).

When one of our team members went to buy a security system for his house, we realized how big of a gap there was between what we had in our hands and what’s available to the general public.

