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HHVM:替代PHP环境的服务器建站工具是由Facebооk团队开发的一套强大的可以用于替代PHP的建站环境包,它是一个PHP的JIT(Just-In- Time)编译器,同时具有产生快速代码和即时编译的优点。实践证明HHVM可以明显地提升PHP执行速度,节省大量的服务器资源。




HHVM环境包支持Debian7 x64、CentOS 6.5 (64-bit)、 Ubuntu 12.04 上搭建HHvm Apache 2.4 Nginx建站环境,同时安装和运行Wordpress博客程序,HHvm强大的性能提升能力可以最大限度地提升Wordpress运行效率,节省服务器费用。


HHVM is an open-source virtual machine designed for executing programs written in Hackand PHP. HHVM uses a just-in-time (JIT) compilation approach to achieve superior performance while maintaining the development flexibility that PHP provides.

HHVM runs much of the world’s existing PHP. Developers and hosts are adopting HHVM. We are aware of minor incompatibilities (please open issues when you find them), but we can run the top 20 Github PHP frameworks out of the box. The HHVM team, along with many wonderful community members, has made it a stated, high priority goal to run all existing PHP code existing out in the wild.

